Brewster Chamber of Commerce
Meeting Minutes
October 4, 2017
Board MembersPresent: Anna Dalbey, Mike Mauk, Chris Majors, Brian Paine, Sabrina O’Connell,
Shan Miller
Next meeting: Nov 1, 2017
I. Open: 9:00 am
II. Invocation: Anna Dalbey
lll. Treasure Report: Checking-$5333.23 - Savings-$10,023.59
lV. Minutes from Sept meeting read and approved
V. City Report- Avis reports the big news is the new street sweeper has arrived
Vl. Old Business: By-Laws completed and signed and officially completed
Vll. New Business: The call for Chamber Board nominations are this month, the Secretary will
send out the Call via email by the 15th of October as stated in the new By-Laws
Upcoming events: Halloween-
Costume contest up and down Main Street. They will end up at the Boys and Girls club for judging. Pedro is donating $100.00 for the trophy’s. Avis is in charge of it. Trunk and treat will be at the American Legion and also at the Armory the Fire Dept. will be at the Amory. Set up about 4:00. Chris is going to make a map and Shan will hand it out of the businesses that participate The Chamber is buying the trick or treat bags Senior Center is having a Pumpkin carving contest and will be having chili. They have their own flyer
Vlll. November:
Committee for food distribution:
So far Board members Anna, Brian, and Martin have signed up for the committee Ford Focus on Child Hunger- Boys and Girls Club. The Chamber wants to help along with the local Churches with the Food Boxes. The Legion has a free meal at Thanksgiving. For just donations.
lX. Epic: Elvis Garcia Epic Manager –Head Start programs for the migrant seasonal workers
children’s programs. Monday – Friday they offer Breakfast and Lunch for 80 children and they have 5 classrooms. They are also accepting and looking for the preschoolers
X. Billy Bosch- New Real Life Lake Chelan Church. They are having a meet and greet Oct18th to get to know the locals. Passed out flyers
Xl. American Legion- Ray Counts- The Legion is trying to locate the Hispanic Veterans that are in the area. They are looking for help doing that as they have tried and had no luck.
He also said the Legion gives out 3 scholarship’s a year. They are looking to help the needy children in the area as well. They also have walkers and wheel chairs and will come to homes to build wheel chair ramps as needed. The Legion restaurant is open to the public and opens at 11:00 am and closes after the crowd leaves in the evening. They have Breakfast at 9:00am every Sunday and a Steak dinner Friday nights.
Motion: Shan made a motion to donate $200.00 to the American Legion for their Thanksgiving,
2nd and approved.
Senior Center- Kathy- they were donated a nice BBQ from the Salmon Derby that the winner
donated. They set up a raffle and some of the local businesses have tickets to sell for them.
Avis said the Christmas Shop needs donations of presents- things that the children buy for their parents.
Meeting adjourned: 10:00