Board meeting Sept 20,2018

Brewster Chamber of Commerce Board meeting

When: Sept 20,2018- 12:00noon

Where: The American Legion

Open 12:00

Present- Anna Marie, Mike, Julio, Dan, Manny

 Invocation- Anna Marie

 Discussion on what to do about the Treasurer resigning, does one of the current board members want to step up and take on the duties until the next election?  Anna has asked Leslie to stay on until we find a replacement or at least until the end of the year. No word back yet on that. It was decided we will try to fill the position with out having a present board member do it.

Upcoming Events;

Halloween Costume Contest

Avis volunteered to handle it. The Board members will be the judges, we need to make a flyer to hand to businesses in town so they can participate

Los Posadas- Dec 8th.

We are checking with other places to maybe have the inn at a different place than last year and Dan is going to check with the Senior Center about having it there. The Legion was also brought up as maybe a place. Dan suggests we wait until Dec 3 to actually have the spot as we can check the weather at that time and if we are not having a super cold spell we could have the Inn at the Armory with a fire and a few tables in the store.

Manny says they will have the tree there and maybe light it at the Los Posadas but Anna is thinking to have it early like right after Thanksgiving on small business day and will get ahold of Lee and see if we can get the city to coincide with the lighting of the tree when they light up the city light and have businesses light up there places as well.

Suggested maybe we can get the cheerleaders from the school to have hot chocolate or something.

Sponsors for Los Posadas, we are going to ask like we did last year for business to help with the cost.

 We are going to cut down on the food an hope to lower the cost to $1000.00 or less, and have the sponsors pay that.

 Anna Marie pledged $100.00, Mauk Fishing Stuff pledged $100.00, Webster’s pledged $50.00,The Armory is donating the pinatas and the candy

Events 2019- Citizen and business of the year we want to carry on with that and hand out ballets for nominations at the meeting in Jan during election month.

Cherries Jubilee- some was discussed about the 3 on 3 and the car show. We also have a line on a guy that does CCR covers and we may can get him to play for one of the bands for the Jubilee. We hope to have music all day with several bands. We will start advertising for sponsors right after the 1st of the year.

We discussed Anna’s idea of having g a 2 year term limit  and it will need more but Mike and Dan do not think it is a good idea. We would like to have a communications and membership director. We need to discuss that more. Anna has heard that the Hydro plane folks that do Pateros are thinking of doing one in Brewster, that needs more discussion as well.

 Great meeting.