Location: Armory Brewster
May 2, 2018
Open: 9:00 am
Invocation: Pastor Greg Thorn
Minutes: read and approved
Treasurer Report: checking-$1,358.09 Savings 10,260.56
Guest speakers: Maurice Goodall Emergency Manager Okanogan County and Nattalie Cariker Brewster Police Chief. Maurice explained how to set up our phones to get alerts about emergencies in our area.
We were honored to have Maurice Goodall Okanogan County Emergency Management and Chief Nattalie Cariker Brewster Police Department talk to us this morning at the general Chamber meeting about community and business safety.
The Emergency Management Department aids in responding and recovering from emergencies in our county. To ensure that you receive EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS, you can sign up through -text your zip code to 888777. It is critical that you register your complete and ACCURATE address when signing in to the web site! This applies to both businesses and individual household members.
Chief Cariker updated us on the City's efforts this year to CLEAN UP the ALLEYS around town. It is important, for safety and fire concerns alike, to not park, block or dump anything in the alleys. If you have yard refuse to dispose of, please contact the City for a burn permit, or take your yard debris to the cemetery on Thursdays ONLY from 9am to 2pm. The City will also be citing owners of JUNK VEHICLES if these vehicles remain after receiving warning notifications. Nattalie suggests the Chamber start the phone tree back up with getting business together and have numbers to call.
Upcoming Events:
Cherries Jubilee updates – everything is going as planned, the committee chairs are Anna with the Car Show, Mike with the Parade and Martin with the 3k run and Ed with the 3 on 3. The Armory with Manny and Martin is having a beer and wine garden. They will be building a stage for the music. Grovers will be donating some supplies to help with the stage. Leslie is taking care of the vendors and all the forms and money. The American Legion will also have a beer garden as well as the store across the street from the Armory. Billy Bosch with Real life church will be having the bouncy house.
National Night out- The chamber is going to be giving free hotdogs and water.
Introductions and a round table
Snacks and Coffee: Julio Talavera and Myra with Umpqua Bank provided us with coffee and snacks thanks very much
Meeting adjourned 10:20